DAY 2  Basic Linux Commands

DAY 2 Basic Linux Commands

#90daysofdevops challenge

#day2 challenge

#basic linux commands

  1. ls #->list file and directories.

  2. ls -l #->list the contents.

  3. ls -a #->list the files and directories included hidden files.

  4. pwd #->print present directory.

  5. cd #->change directory

  6. cd - #-> go to the last working directory.

  7. cd .. #->change directory to one step back.

  8. mkdir #-> use to make directory.

  9. mkdir A B C #->to make multiple directories.

  10. mkdir -p A/B/C/D #-> to make nested directory.

  11. touch filename.txt #->to make file.

  12. whoami #-> to know your name.

  13. vim #-> text editor

|--------------------------------------------------------------------| | mkdir newFolder # make a new folder 'newFolder' |
| mkdir .NewFolder # make a hidden directory |
| mkdir A B C D #make multiple directories at the same time |
| mkdir -p A/B/C/D # make a nested directory | |-------------------------------------------------------------------|