DAY26- Jenkins Declarative Pipeline

DAY26- Jenkins Declarative Pipeline


One of the most important parts of your DevOps and CICD journey is a Declarative Pipeline Syntax of Jenkins

What is a Pipeline - A pipeline is a collection of steps or jobs interlinked in a sequence.

Declarative: Declarative is a more recent and advanced implementation of a pipeline as a code.

Scripted: Scripted was the first and most traditional implementation of the pipeline as a code in Jenkins.

It was designed as a general-purpose DSL (Domain Specific Language) built with Groovy.

Pipeline syntax

pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Build') {

steps {




stage('Test') {

steps {




stage('Deploy') {

steps {







  1. Create a New Job, this time select Pipeline instead of Freestyle Project.

  2. Follow the Official Jenkins Hello World example

  3. Complete the example using the Declarative pipeline


-Description of file

-Pipeline Script

-Console Output

  • Stage view status

-This is Simple Pipeline that prints out "Hello World"

Writing a Declarative Pipeline in Jenkins.

  • script pipeline

  • pipeline project status

-Console output

#thankyou to reading my blog!