Day 17 Task: Docker Project for DevOps Engineers. |
#docker & #Dockerfile
#Docker | |
-Docker is a software platform that allows you to build, test, and deploy applications quickly | |
-Fast deployment, ease of creating new instances, and faster migrations | |
-Docker provides the ability to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment called a container. | |
-The isolation and security allow you to run many containers simultaneously on a given host. | |
-Containers are lightweight and contain everything needed to run the application |
#Dockerfile | |
-A Dockerfile is a script that automatically creates containers on the Docker platform. | |
-A Dockerfile is basically a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image. | |
-A Dockerfile is a script that uses the Docker platform to generate containers automatically | |
#task:1.Create a Dockerfile for a simple web application (e.g. a Node.js or Python app)
ii). open terminal | ||||||
iii). mkdit Dockertest | ||||||
iv). cd Dockertest | ||||||
v). touch Dockerfile | ||||||
vi). vim Dockerfile | ||||||
vi(a). #getting base image | ||||||
FROM ubuntu | ||||||
RUN apt-get update | ||||||
CMD ["echo", "Hello World..!this is my first docker image"] |
2.Build the image using the Dockerfile and run the container
i). docker build -t <imagename>:tagname . | |
ii). docker images | |
iii). docker run <image ID> | |
3.Verify that the application is working as expected by accessing it in a web browser
1)To verify that the application is working, you can access it in a web browser by going to “localhost:8000".
4.Push the image to a public or private repository (e.g. Docker Hub )
i). install Docker
ii). open terminal
iii). mkdit Dockertest
iv). cd Dockertest
v). touch Dockerfile
vi). vim Dockerfile
vi(a). #getting base image
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
CMD ["echo", "Hello World..!this is my first docker image"]
vii). docker build -t <imagename>:tag .
viii). docker images
ix). docker run
x). docker login -u <username>
xi). docker tag <reponame> <username>/<imagename>
xii). docker images
xiii). docker push <username>/<imagename>