Day20-completing Devops For Engineer -cheat Sheet

Day20-completing Devops For Engineer -cheat Sheet



4 min read

put your knowledge and creativity to the test and create a cheat sheet that truly stands out! ๐Ÿš€


1. Installation of Docker

For Windows

-This command helps you to install Docker on Windows.-

For Linux

-This command helps you to install Docker on Linux. -curl -sSL | sh

For Mac

-This command helps you to install Docker on mac os. -

2. Docker Registry and Repository

-docker login

-docker login localhost:8080

-docker logout

-docker logout localhost:8080

-Searching an image

-search nginx

-Pulling an Image

-docker image pull nginx

-Pushing an image

-Pushing an image This command can be used to push a specific image or set of images.

3. Running Containers

-Command to create a container

-docker container create -t -i eon01/infinite --name XYZ

-Command to run a container

-docker container run -it --name XYZ -d eon01/infinite

-Command for removing a container

-docker container rm infinite

4. Commands for Starting or Stopping the Container

-Command for starting a container

-docker container start nginx

-Command for stopping a container

-docker container stop nginx

5. Commands for Obtaining Container Information

-Fetching information From Running Container

-docker ps


-docker container ls

6. Commands for Managing Image

-Commands for listing images

-docker image ls

-Command for removing image

-docker image rm nginx

-Showing the History of an Image

-image history

7. Commands for Networking

-Command for network listing

-docker network ls

-Command for Connecting a Container to a Network When it Starts

-docker container run -it -d --network=MyOverlayNetwork nginx

8. Commands for Cleaning Docker

-Command for Removing a Running Container

-docker container rm nginx

-Command for Removing a Container and its Volume

-docker container rm -v nginx

-Command for Removing all Exited Containers

-docker container rm $(docker container ls -a -f status=exited -q)

-Command for Removing a Docker Image

-docker image rm nginx

-Command for Clean all

-docker system prune -a
